Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Baru ni ada lah dinner company buat dekat IDCC Shah Alam...bese2 je..buffet tapi makanan mcm pergi kenduri kawen je..hahaaa..ingat buffet ala2 hotel..hurmm..xpela,
dapatlah jugak upload gmbar sikit2..
sebab rumah officemate dekat s.alam..ikut dia balik umah dia,tumpang bersiap...p/s:gambar ni edit je lebih..muka bukanlah flawless weh..

dengan k.jaja

with peggy, kalau tengok baju dia..dengan rambut macam tu..macam marilyn monroe...

apa akak yana buat tuuuu...

with min hwa....baru je masuk co, tapi dia peramah sangat

again with peggy,siap bagi amaran lagi..u jangan mabuk teruk sangat...nanti nak drive

with yen..my bff in office.

budak office lain..hehe...tapi under same group

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hiasan dekat luar..bese2 jeee..
 bergambar dengan FORMINO Nilai &HQ..

Like seriously??

like seriously????
what a title right, while scrolling my blog, baru perasan..eh..tahun 2016 just 4 kali je posting dalam blog ni...
what am i doing..maybe just malas nak bukak blog n upload those picture in handphone...
u know la, bukak cerita korea or chinese drama..dengan start to watching all those episode of 2 Days 1 night..from start of season 3 till now still downloading...using internet from Celcom woo..upgrade from RM40 TO RM 80 TO RM150..just imagine...just for downloading..since my name already blac klist in company IT department..hehee...maluuuu wehh...but actually i don't know la how many person know..that i watch those drama...and downloading using office internet..but the website it self maybe contain virus..so of coz my name would be TOP 10...hehe..
anyway, will update anything about drama from last year and current...hope i find time for my blog..
actually this blog just like my diary..so will try update later..

new year new start maybe??

wah, dah lama x bukak n update blog i ni..nasib baik ingat lagi password..
ok lah, new year 2017..pejam celik pejam celik dah 2017 dah...maknanya umor pon dah meningkat la weh..
nak buat macam mana..bukan boleh pergi umor time sek menengah pon..just terima la hakikatnye..heheee..
ok lah..this is first entry for 2017..
lepas ni insyaallah akan update pasal cerita2 korea, or chinese maybe..